Calm down! Before you start dragging me or calling me fetish. I understand this is not the best visual representation of the subject matter. However, the above picture is what my "gratitude" rock looks like. Cool right? No? Yes? Well, it's mine, I like black and; I also didn't have to think twice before choosing the color. I recently just got around to painting it, and i definitely love its new look – It was transparent brown prior to repainting it.
It is totally okay not to have an idea about what i am talking about – at least not just yet.
On the other hand, almost everybody is familiar with gratitude one way or another. In the real sense of it, everyone has given and received gratitude at least once in their lifetime, and no i didn't do a research, i just know, duhh. If you have ever said "thank you", or if someone else said "thank you" to you, then you know gratitude or what it sounds or looks like.
I first learnt about the "gratitude" rock while watching "The Secret" film by Rhonda Brynes in 2014. I was in a down place in my life and i had hit rock bottom. The whole concept behind it didn't sound appealing at the beginning. I was not in the right place or frame of mind to show gratitude. Everything was going south in my life, i had just finished school and the extra semester i had prior to that period totally drained me. Gratitude was the last thing i wanted to concern myself with. I wasn't happy with anything so why should i be grateful for anything i thought. A few minutes into the film and i was convinced to try gratitude and i must say it hasn't been a bad experience at all.
Originating from the Latin word gratus which means "thankful, pleasing", gratitude simply means showing thanks and appreciation.
Growing up in a typical African/Christian background, we were taught to say "thank you" for many reasons, most common was when someone does something for you or gives you something. for this film i might never had known how powerful true gratitude is thereby locking myself out of the boundless benefits that abound in giving thanks.
Oh well, i knew better and I started being grateful for everything, and anything. I had unlocked a gem and i made a decision to harness every bit of what i got from just being grateful, staying grateful and showing gratitude.
How did i make gratitude a habit? I'd tell you.
First, i stopped assimilating anything that triggered complaining, grumbling, regrets and so on, I was beginning to be deliberate about being grateful for anything and everything. I started with the smallest things, like being grateful for my clear handwriting, the bright ideas that spring up in my mind, even to the availability of cold coke on a sunny afternoon. I was grateful for anything that was worth being grateful for, and in time i started to see amazing things happen in my life. It wasn't hard to notice that my quality of living and loving had switched up and improved.
Secondly, i had learnt while watching "The secret' about the importance of having a gratitude rock. Not only did the idea resonate with me, i also took practical steps to get one myself.
Let me show you how to get yours"
- Take a walk by the beach or anywhere you can find any smooth rock - since it will now be a part of you, it is advisable to get something really small and nice, or, just get a small pebble or fancy stone. It could be any item really. A rock is just small, portable and if you may, cute.
- When you select a rock, it is a good idea to take it everywhere you go everyday, while making it a point of duty to consciously say and really be grateful for at least ten (10) things in your life. With that, you, just like me, will renew your willingness to remain in a perpetual state of gratitude.
Easy right? Yup. Very easy, just that more than half of people who come across this article might not take the necessary step to be grateful, because it's hard!!!! Very hard, but that is the key, and the treasures at the other side of the door of gratitude is worth every step of the process of learning to be grateful. Some people say, "please" and "thank you" are some of the most important words that are barely used by humans. Well, gratitude will lose its reward, so it's better we embrace it.
In the last two (2) years, I’ve gotten married, survived lock down, experienced working in different business sectors, moved apartments, had a child (and had to enroll in the school of fatherhood), all these have really given me a new perspective on life, and living, as it may be. I haven’t always been 100% okay all through these processes, but I always remember, one time or another to calm down, take a deep reflection and deeply be grateful for every breath that I can afford to, for free.
I didn't have to think long or hard enough to almost always remain in a state of gratitude.
My faith, in many ways than one has constantly kept me in that place of gratitude. When i think of all that could go and would have gone 'south' in my life and how i am still on track, it is only proper for me to be grateful. To God, the universe, for family, friends, drinkable water etc.
Also, the loss of dear ones, acquaintances and people in general continuously teaches me the fickleness of life and the need to be grateful if i still have one.
The power in gratitude is so deep, you can feel peace when you are really thankful for where you are regardless of the situation at hand.
Try being grateful when you spill your tea on your work desk, not every one has a job or a work desk, try gratitude when your car won't start and you have a meeting to attend, be thankful for a car, try staying thankful even if your debts are unpaid and your landlord is threatening ejection, be thankful you have a life and there is hope to turn your finances around in the future.
NOTE: Even when the days are in their darkest, be grateful that after the night comes the morning and there will be light. THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO BE GRATEFUL FOR at all times.
With the gratitude stone hack, you can also set an alarm at a time of the day when you can spare some seconds to truly be grateful. I am sure that will make your day better.
Before i stop typing, for me, i am grateful to be able to type this to 'ginger' you to be grateful, i am grateful to know that there is a God that keeps me in all my ways, even when i think i don't deserve it. What are you grateful for?
Imogie Berg.